Thursday, April 18, 2013

legalization of marijuana

there is a lot of people talking about the topic of legalization of marijuana, for medical purposes. I personally do not think it should be legalized at all. in the following paragraphs i will be explaining why i think this. 

yes i realize that marijuana helps people with cancer and diseases alike, but as soon as a state or part of a state legalizes it, people will abuse that freedom. such as when they tried it in Colorado. people would grow it and then sell it to people that are not using it for medical purposes. also it draws in people form other countries to come illegally and try to make a living off of growing and then selling to people without such diseases.

i also know that it would help a lot of good people that would be able to grow it legally and sell it to people that use it for there diseases. and like i said before i know it would help the people with the illnesses, i just don't think it is worth it.     

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